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Iro Haarla Electric Ensemble:

Pori Jazz 9.7.2022/Poriljonki stage.

We Jazz Festival:

G-Livelab, Helsinki

30.11.2021, 08.00 PM.

Iro Haarla Sextet:

Presenting music released on now defunct Leo Records.

Iro Haarla; piano and arrangements

Verneri Pohjola; trumpet

Juhani Aaltonen; tensax and flute

Pepa Päivinen; bariton-, soprano and tenorsax

Ulf Krokfors; double bass

Markku Ounaskari; drums

Haapavesi  Folk Music  Festival:


Haarla-Aaltonen-Krokfors Trio

Kello 20.


Haapavesi Chamber Orchestra presents:

Haarla: Songbird Chapel. 

Kapellimestari: Timo Hannula

Kl 18, Haapaveden kirkko.


Iro Haarla awarded by Music Archive Finland the "Jazz Legend of Finnish Jazz." !!  

Viimeisimmän kunniamaininnan Haarla sai äskettäin, kun Suomen Musiikkiarkiston hallitus valitsi hänet Suomen Jazzlegendaksi numero 35.

Iro Haarla Quartet:

Iro Haarla – piano, sävellykset
Juhani Aaltonen – tenorisaksofoni, huilu
Ulf Krokfors – kontrabasso
Markku Ounaskari – rummut

Iro Haarla Quartetin musiikissa käyvät vuoropuhelua valo ja pimeys, tyyni ja myrsky, ilo ja suru. Abstraktien ja dissonoivienkin sävelkulkujen kautta musiikin päämääränä on aina kauneus, koskettavuus ja rauhan tunne. Konsertin ohjelmiston lähtökohtana ovat Haarlan sävellykset, mutta yhtyeen jokaisen soittajan omaleimainen soittotyyli sekä vahva tulkinta ovat yhtä vahvasti läsnä. Kokonaisuuden ja tunnistettavan soinnin taustalla kuuluu Haarlan pitkä yhteistyö yhtyeen jokaisen muusikon kanssa.

Iro Haarlalle myönnettiin Suomen Jazzliiton Yrjö-palkinto vuonna 2006, Jazz-Emma-palkinnot vuosina 2005 ja 2011 sekä Pori Jazzin vuoden taiteilijana Ted Curson-palkinto vuonna 2018.

Upcoming concerts:

Tampere Jazz Happening


30.10.2020. 8:00 pm.

Malmitalo (Helsinki)

Jazz´n Jam

17.11.2020. 7:00 pm

Iro Haarla Quartet kiertueella 28.9.-29.11.2019

La 28.9. klo 18 Porvoo Jazz Festival / Kulttuuritalo Grand
Ke 30.10. klo 19 Oulainen, Merkuriussali / Oulaisten Musiikkiviikot*
Ti 19.11. klo 19 Helsinki, G-Livelab
Ke 20.11.klo 19 Savonlinna, Kulttuurikellari*
To 21.11. klo 19 Äänekoski, Suolahtisali*
La 23.11. klo 19 Joensuu, Konservatorio / järj. Jazzkerho -76*
Su 24.11. klo 14 Lieksa, Brahesali / järj. Jazzkerho -76*
Ke 27.11. klo 19 Turku, Turun seudun musiikkiopisto*
To 28.11. klo 19 Tampere, G-Livelab*
Pe 29.11. klo 19 Pori, Validi Karkia -klubi*

Iro Haarla trion konsertit 30.11. ja 1.12.
La 30.11. klo 15 Riihimäki, Riihimäen taidemuseo*

Kiertueen tuotanto: Vapaat äänet

Iro Haarla Quartet/Pori Jazz 2018:

Iro Haarla Trio:

12.2.2019. klo Loimaa, Taidemuseo.

Silent Music:

UMO & Iro Haarla


Fri 12th April 2019 at 6 pm // Askola church
Mon 15th April 2019 at 7 pm // Porvoo cathedral
Tue 16th April 2019 at 7 pm // Espoo cathedral
Wed 17th April 2019 at 7 pm // Church of Saint Lawrence, Vantaa
Thu 18th April 2019 at 1 pm // Musiikkitalo, Paavo Hall, Helsinki
Fri 19th April 2019 at 6 pm // Mikael Agricola church, Helsinki

The long-term collaborative history between UMO and Iro Haarla will see a continuation in Easter time when the big band and the pianist-harpist give a church tour around the Uusimaa region. In addition to the metropolitan area – Helsinki, Espoo and Vantaa – the tour reaches to the cities of Porvoo and Askola. It also comprises an afternoon concert at the Helsinki Music Centre on the Holy Thursday.

Entitled Silent Music, the concert gives a cross-section of the compositions that UMO has commissioned from Haarla over her career. Among others, the programme includes the piece Ante Lucem  – ennen päivän koittoa (2005; Eng.Before the Dawn), delving on the events of Easter and the passion of Christ; Kurkien taru (2006; Eng. The Tale of the Cranes) portraying the migration of the majestic birds; and Led by the Wind (2015) – a piece inspired by the might of the wind. The concert will also see the premiere of the title composition, Silent Music (2019), written specifically for the occasion. Many of Haarla’s works initially premiered by UMO have lived on in different arrangements in the repertories of her own ensembles and even on recordings. The Easter concert will be conducted by Mikko Hassinen – already a well-known face at UMO’s helm.

– With my music I aim at bringing some light to the listener, stirring deep feelings and promoting the ability to feel pleasure and pass it on. The main thought behind the concert is finding a quietness within oneself; following the deep sonic textures, the undulating flow of sound, towards the light. Playing with UMO and conductor Mikko Hassinen is an exceptionally interesting chance for me to realise these ideas, Haarla says.

The concerts of Porvoo, Askola and Helsinki Music Centre are a part of the series AUF, launched in spring 2018, between Avanti!, UMO and FiBO. The project explores new types of collaboration between orchestras and different concert-organising bodies.

Iro Haarla

  • Pianist, harpist, composer and band-leader

  • Performed, notated and arranged music by her late spouse Edward Vesala in 1979–1999

  • Embarked on a solo career in the early 00s, with notable international success

  • Her Finnish-Norwegian quintet has recorded three albums produced by Manfred Eicher on ECM Records, while her Finnish groups have released altogether five recordings on TUM Records

  • Decorated with the Pori Jazz Ted Curson Prize in 2018; a Jazz Emma Prize in 2005 and 2011; and the Yrjö Jazz Prize in 2006

  • Finds inspiration in natural phenomena, birds and different states of emotion

Iro Haarla Quintet:

12.5.2019, Trondheim Jazz Festival, Norway.

Iro Haarla ja Seppo Kantonen: Steinway in Both Ways-konserttisarja:

30.9.2018: Kerava, Keravan seurakunta, Papintie 6, klo 18-19.

11.10.2018: Malmitalo, klo 15.

30.11.2018: Kitee, Kiteesali, klo 18-18.30: taiteilijatapaaminen. Klo 19-21: konsertti.

1.12.2018: Joensuu. Sun Ra-konsertti: Vierailijana Mikko Innanen; alttosaksofoni.


The receiver of this year’s Pori Jazz Ted Curson award is pianist, harpist and composer Iro Haarla. The New Talent award goes to bassist Kaisa Mäensivu.

Iro Haarla, 61, is a seasoned Jazz musician who became known in the late 1970s for working side by side with her fiancé, percussionist Edward Vesala. Later in her career she released several praised solo pieces and collaborated with the best Norwegian musicians. The Finnish Jazz Association awarded Haarla with the Yrjö prize in 2006.

Ted Curson Award is awarded annually by Pori Jazz Festival to an exceptional artist. In addition to the Award, Pori Jazz funds one artistic project agreed with the artist.

New ECM Records-release!

Release on the 26.8 (international) and on the 2.9 in Finland:


 Iro Haarla´s "Ante Lucem" for symphony orchestra and quintet. Performed by the NorrlandsOperan`s Symphony Orchestra (conducted by Jukka Iisakkila) and the Iro Haarla  Quintet. 

Read more:


21.7.2018: Pori Jazz/Lokkilava:

Iro Haarla trio feat Juhani Aaltonen:

Iro Haarla; piano and compositions.

Juhani Aaltonen; tenorsaxophone.

Ulf Krokfors; doublebass.

Markku Ounaskari; drums.


Validia Karkia, Pori (Sippola replaced by Jone Takamäki)

Jazzespa, Helsinki

Telakka, Tampere

Mrs. Haarla played a solo concert in Bremen at the Weserburg Museum for Contemporary Art the 26 of April  2017.

Iro Haarla Quintet:


Molde Jazz Festival 2006, Cosmopolite Jazz club/Oslo 2004 &2009, Varanger Festivalen 2012.

Victoria Nasjonal Jazz Scene, Oslo, Norway, 2.3.2018.

Sweden: Umeå International Jazz Festival 2009 & 2012 NorrlandsOperans Sinfonieorkester &Iro Haarla Quintet, Finlandsinstitutet/Stockholm 2009, Nordic Sound Station/Eskilstuna 2012.

Italy: Chiasso Jazz Festival 2006, Padova Jazz Festival 2008.

Netherlands: North Sea Jazz Festival 2009, November Music 2011.

England: London Jazz Festival; Queen Elisabeth Hall 2008.

Poland: Bielsko BielaJazz Festival 2011.

Finland: Musica Futura/Porvoo 2004, UMO Jazzfest, Helsinki, 2006. Pori International Jazz Festival 2012.

USA: Nordic Jazz Now/Rochester International Jazz Festival, Nordic Jazz /Washington DC., Scandinavian House /New York 2008.

Canada: Edmonton International Jazz Festival, Ottawa International Jazz Festival, Vancouver International Jazz Festival, Montreal International Jazz Festival 2008.

Concerts with other groups /international jazz festivals:

Kongsberg Jazz Festival, Norway 1999 (Seim-Haarla-Jormin –Vesala Quartet).

Prague International pianojazz festival 2001 (soloconcert).

Nevers Jazz Festival, Perpignant Jazz Festival, France 2003: Iro Haarla-Pepa Päivinen duo.

Tampere Jazz Happening 2006; UMO Jazz Orcestra plays Haarla, Aaltonen-Haarla- Krokfors- Christensen Quartet.

Saalfelden International Jazz Festival 2006 ( Rinneradio), European Jazz Nights/Stockholm 2005 (Rinneradio).

Berlin Jazz Festival 2010 (Iro Haarla Sextet).

Quebec International Jazz festival, Canada 2011 (Esa Pietilä Quartet ).

London Jazz Festival, St James Piccadilly 2012(Seim-Haarla-Krokfors trio) ,

With Juhani Aaltonen Quartet; JazzAhead/Bremen 2010, Pori International Jazz Festival, Tampere Jazz Happening 2010, Oslo National Jazz Scene , 2011, Copenhagen Jazz Festival 2011, France 2011 Reims Jazz Festival, Nevers Jazz Festival , Vossa jazz 2012, London Jazz Festival 2012, Israel 2012: Betlehem, Nazareth, Jerusalem.

Tour in Denmark, 26.11-4.12.2014:

The End of the Beginning - Quartet.

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